Our ranking is subjective (it is the office consensus, after much arguing), and tries to reflect value for money as well as overall quality. Therefore we may award just three stars to a 'five star' Zanzibar Hotel in the hotel tick-box sense, or five stars to a superb, unashamed 'three star' Tanzania Lodge that consistently provides superb quality experiences for the price. We care a great deal about location, whether in the bush or on the beach, and in many cases this has influenced our choice. It is unorthodox, it may seem at odds with the world view, but we can explain... and we urge you to call us to discuss!
We don't just know Tanzania!
For more information on Tanzania, the best thing to do is to give us a ring for an impartial chat. Although we love Tanzania, we also love the rest of Africa too and have experts in all the main safari countries. If you are undecided as to where to visit, please do just drop us an email or give us a call!

I couldn’t think of a better camp than Jongomero to remember as our last stop. - Kibbey, UK

Our View
Katavi only has a couple of accommodation options in the park and this is one of our favourites with an incredible view onto the Katsunga Plain. Owned and run by the Fox family, who have other properties in southern Tanzania this camp reflects what a classic safari camp should be like.
Our View
Kati Kati is actually a great option for someone doing the northern circuit on a particularly tight budget. It is by no means luxurious - but it is simple, easy and great value for money in an area that has become extremely expensive. A group of great staff and a clean bed is all some people need from a trip to one of the best game viewing areas of the Serengeti.
Katuma Bush Lodge is ideal for the traveller looking for a truly remote experience away from regular tourist routes. In this park, you will find animals curious and unfamiliar to human contact. The flotillas of pelican are a special sight. Game drives are offered twice a day with an optional night game drive.

Kensington Endoro is a lovely lodge and like all lodges in the highlands area, it serves a great purpose for those on safari round the Ngorongoro Crater and Manyara. It is great value and the rooms are superb. However, we still recommend Plantation Lodge as the preferred alternative or Gibbs farm if you’re looking to spend a bit more. But if everywhere else is full, the Kensington Endoro does very well as a last resort option and will make no difference to you stay in this area.

- J Merton

- A Gentry

Kilimatonge is currently closed.
A totally private camp situated in the remote wilderness of the Ruaha National Park. It moves between two locations on the Mdonya river, in the shadow of the Kilimatonge Hill. This Camp offers a truly wild safari, it's fairly basic but no other camp, save for Kichaka, offers such a feeling of wilderness and a style of safari that is reminiscent of the early colonial explorers.